Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sources of News

The New York Times: The New York Times is one of the longest running and most reliable news sources. This news source is viewed by millions as there are many millions of people in the state of New York alone. To authenticate their trust, they have even gone as far in the past as firing journalists who they've viewed to be plagiarizing and criticize mainstream media. I enjoy this source because of their unbiased view on current events.

CNN: Cable News Network has had a lot of controversy recently with our current president, Donald Trump. CNN has over the years, become one of the most read online news sources, and is read by a variety of people world wide. People have hostile views towards CNN, though. If one stands with President Trump on a more conservative side of looking at things in the United States, they probably won't agree with what is being said. Over the years, CNN has gained a reputation of being on more of a left side bias. This bias supports a liberal point of view, so this is why people who want to stay conservative disagree with it.

Buzzfeed: Buzzfeed is probably one of the most controversial news sources out there. Literally anyone who has read Buzzfeed will understand that there is definitely more of a liberal-democratic view. Usually in a Buzzfeed article, the writer will sway the audience with a lack of information and no opposing viewpoint, seeming like there is only one right way to do things. This is why Buzzfeed is probably the most biased source of news.

Twitter: In the past couple years, Twitter has added a new tab on the bottom called the discover tab. In this, you can find news articles tailored or untailored to your viewing history on Twitter. The cool part about Twitter is although there are a lot of people spitting information without backing up what they're saying, you still do get to read the opinions of hundreds of thousands of people.

BBC: British Broadcasting Center is one of the most known news sources in the UK. It's so popular that we even get BBC news over here in the US. What's interesting about BBC is that it is considered to be one of the most unbiased news sources out there. It scored a perfect rating of a center bias, which means that it doesn't sway towards liberal or conservative views.

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