Monday, February 18, 2019

Fun and Informative

Learning comes easy to some. Others not so much. But what if you can make learning fun? I've recently discovered a YouTube channel by the name of VSauce and he does exactly this. His channel has been around for a while now; since 2007 to be exact. VSauce's real name is Michael Steven's and he makes learning interesting in his YouTube videos by answering questions in a fascinating way with emphasis and science. When going to his channel, it might look boring at first, but the way he initially drags you into the video is awesome. He comes up with really interesting titles that pull you in and a question that you can probably not think through yourself.

One example of how he attracts viewers is his video: What Color is a Mirror? He sets the thumbnail as the human eye and starts explaining. Anyone would guess that the color of a mirror is silver because it reflects light, right? Wrong. He brings up a paragon asking the question if you, the viewer, has ever been in between two mirrors. When looking down the light tunnel in the mirror, there's one color that's more visible as you look on and on. Green. He proves this scientifically by stating that mirrors reflect light in the 510 nano-meter range which is what we humans perceive as green light. Watch the video for yourself and you'll actually be fascinated.

Another example of a video that catches an eye by a viewer is the video: What if The Earth Stopped Spinning? He starts the video off by explaining that everything on the Earth would fling everything on its surface about 1000 mph due east because this is approximately how fast the Earth spins in rotation. People would think that if your body is flying 1000 mph, you'd just fly off into orbit, but the speed you need to escape orbit is 24,800 mph, so you'd probably just fly into a building that's also being flung 1000 miles per hour. He states that people in an airplane would have a higher chance of surviving because they're 20-30,000 feet high. Even once they try to land though, it would still be hard to navigate under the rubble and mess underneath you. Astronauts living on satellites would also have a very high chance of living, but it's questionable that anyone would be waiting for them when they return. It's another awesome video. Go give it a watch.

So the lesson learned here is that learning can be made interesting and even in a way, fun. The VSauce YouTube channel is really cool, and it doesn't feel like traditional learning at all. Someone who may have difficulty sitting in a room listening to someone talk for an hour might find this more interesting than than a lecture.


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